Friday, November 19, 2010

Checking In

I know, I've been very quiet.  I've just had lots going on in my head lately... and I've started working on some projects.  Here is the start of the latest Santas (and a snowman for good measure):

I like to work with Styrofoam cones for the base (although you can use almost anything), and Amaco's Claycrete (paper pulp).  You just add water to the paper pulp and mix it up.  I tend to use my hands to do this even though the instructions say not to.  Then I just slap it on the cones, adding a little at a time, and smoothing it out with my fingers as I go.  Sometimes I use actual carving tools, sometimes I don't.  For these, I was working with a metal BBQ skewer and a plastic spoon because they were handy.  Whatever works is my motto.  Once you are finished with your figure, they just need to air-dry for a couple of days before they can be painted.  I'm not sure how many I will get done this year since my normally winter-dry hands are already in pretty bad shape from working with the clay.  It just seems to suck what little moisture there is right out of my hands.  I hate that.  I'd take a picture of them to share, but no one needs to see my cracked and bleeding cuticles.  Lovely, eh?  :)